What to Know About Morning Sickness in Pregnancy
Pregnancy nausea can make women feel physically miserable and emotionally drained. If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy with morning sickness, know that you’re not alone. In this blog, we’ll be exploring: What morning sickness is When it starts...
When Do You First Feel Movement in Pregnancy?
Pregnancy can cause a lot of new sensations in your body. Whether it’s nausea or breast tenderness, symptoms may feel uncomfortable as you try to figure out what’s happening. Then, deciphering between gas, muscle cramps, and movement inside of your belly can be...
Chemical Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, and Healing
Every woman experiences a miscarriage differently. If she had a very early miscarriage, also known as a chemical pregnancy, she may feel confused. If you suspect that you had a chemical pregnancy, you don’t have to figure it out on your own! What is a chemical...
How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?
Taking a pregnancy test feels daunting. The results could change the trajectory of your life. Whether you want to be pregnant, or you're experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, you should know how pregnancy tests work. At Care Net of NNY, we provide cost-free...
What to Know about Pregnancy as a Minor
You imagined filling your high school days with memories with friends and the pursuit of your future. You did not plan for a pregnancy. Uncertainty, fear, and other emotions may overwhelm you, but you should know that as a pregnant teenager, you have options. You...
What You Need to Know About Alcohol in Pregnancy
If you just found out that you’re pregnant, you may have angst about what you ate, drank, or did in the last few weeks…but you didn’t even know you were pregnant! At Care Net NNY, we want to empower you with the information you need to make the best decisions for you...
How Abortion Affects Relationships
Your positive home pregnancy test may have caused you shock. After sitting in disbelief, taking more tests, or calling a friend, you now choose what to do about your unplanned pregnancy. As you decide between parenting, abortion, and adoption, you should...
How to Cope with an Unplanned Pregnancy
Shock reverberates throughout your body as you stare upon the little stick upon which you just peed. Pregnant. A word you never thought you’d use to describe yourself. At least not today. Being pregnant was not part of your plan today, or perhaps ever. Over...
Pregnant in College? Here’s What You Need to Know
An unplanned pregnancy does not have to change your college plans. With the right information about your pregnancy and your rights, you can continue to pursue your college dreams. Today, we’re answering some common questions about navigating college and pregnancy!...
What you need to know about adoption
Your unplanned pregnancy may cause you to feel uncertain about your future. Many women choose to continue pursuing their dreams by placing their babies for adoption. Misconceptions exist about adoption, so keep reading to discover the truth! What is adoption?...
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Lowville, NY 13367
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