Jan 24, 2024 | Uncategorized
If you’ve missed a period and don’t want to be pregnant, you may feel a little frantic. But, what if you’ve missed a period and you have a negative pregnancy test? Even if your negative pregnancy test brings relief, you may still have a lot of questions. Should you...
Jan 2, 2024 | Abortion, Services
Everyone tolerates a different level of pain. So, you may be wondering if your body can handle the physical pain of an abortion. At CareNet of NNY, we want to empower you to make the best decision for your future and your body. So, before you take your next step, read...
Dec 9, 2023 | Abortion Pill
An unplanned pregnancy often brings a sense of a loss of control. So, some women try an abortion at home because it seems like an affordable and easy way to regain control and end their pregnancy. Before making a quick decision, you should know all of the options you...
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