You will find varying opinions about women’s abortion experiences. Truly, on all sides of the spectrum, you can find positive and negative experiences on the internet about women and their abortion stories, just like you can find opinions when it comes to just about anything.


So, what do you do if you find yourself with an unexpected pregnancy and looking for abortion and needing abortion care? And what does abortion care look like? Keep reading to find out.


  • Support

Humans are pretty resilient. We can handle a lot, but there are times in our lives when we need support, and there is nothing wrong with that. Facing an unexpected pregnancy is one of those times. At Care Net NNY, we have trained, trustworthy staff you can rely on to help you think through this process. We even have consultations and support for your partner. Support is one of the most significant expressed needs for women facing unexpected pregnancies.

  • Consultation on all your options

Navigating all your options can be tricky. As well as learning if your state has any regulations regarding abortion services. You can sit down with one of our trained staffed to discuss all your options, and get community referrals.

  • Confirmation

In addition to our support and consultation, we offer pregnancy tests and ultrasounds completely free. You might be wondering why you would need an ultrasound before an abortion? Because ultrasound can confirm if you’re even pregnant. Sometimes a pregnancy test will come back positive, but your pregnancy may not be viable. Meaning your body could be preparing for a miscarriage. Miscarriages in the first trimester are very common. A non-viable pregnancy could also mean you have an ectopic pregnancy, which means the fertilized egg is not located in the uterus and cannot survive. Getting the abortion care you deserve means ruling this out. Getting an ultrasound could save you hundreds of dollars, and at Care Net NNY, all our services are free!


At Care Net NNY, our goal is to care for you. Every day we help women who find themselves in tough and challenging situations. We want to do the same for you. Many of our staff have gone through situations just like yours. Although we do not perform abortions or refer for abortions, we understand where you might be coming from. We will listen to you, and help you process through all your options.


We’ve got your back. You can give us a call at 315-782-5433. Or send a message to us here.